Personal Details Born 1873 Died 1950 Main nationality Finland Profession Linguist Documentation Publication <Publications> Das schriftmongolische und die Urgamundart (The written Mongolian and the Urga dialect, in German), 1902 Über die Konjugation des Khalkha-Mongolischen (About the conjugation of Khalkha-Mongolian, in German), 1902 Seven Journeys Eastward 1898-1912: Among the Cheremis, Kalmyks, Mongols and in Turkestan and to Afghanistan, 1978 <Photographs> at the Picture Collections of the National Board of Antiquities and the Picture Collections of Maritime Museum of Finland His photos from the first field trip to Mongolia in 1898 were lost on the way back to Finland. He had accompanying photographers / co-researchers on his latter trips. They were Sakari Pälsi and Arvo Sotavalta. FINNISH-MONGOLIAN PÄLSI-RAMSTEDT TRAIL 2019 Archaeological and anthropological expedition to Mongolia in 2019 Notes <Expeditions> 1898: Mongolia 1903: Kalmyk, Spring 1903: Current Turkmenistan, Autumn 1905: East Turkestan region 1909: Mongolia with Sakari Pälsi, 1909.5.5~ 1912: Mongolia with Arto Sotavalta, 1912 Spring to mid-October