- B. Baasanjargal
- S. Chuluun and T. Yuspova
- 2019 Expedition photographs of Russian researchers in the Mongolian archives as sources on the history of the exploring of Mongolia, Mongolica. 2019. Т. XXII. № 2. Pp. 58-66.DOI 10.25882/hcsp-bh58
- Original article in Russian with photographs Чулуун С., Юсупова Т. Экспедиционные фотографии российских исследователей в монгольских архивах как источники по истории изучения Монголии // Mongolica. Том XXII, 2019, №2. СПб.: Петербургское Востоковедение, 2019. C. 58—66.
- Y. Konagaya
- 2021 Expedition Photographs of Mongolia (1880-1930)
- Original article in Japanese with photographs, tables and the information about travelogues 小長谷 有紀 2021 モンゴルで撮影された写真の歴史(1880-1930): 学術調査隊による写真コレクションを中心に, 国立民族学博物館研究報告, 45-3, pp.517-567
Original article in Japanese with photographs and tables 小長谷有紀・鈴木康平 2021 モンゴルにおける木材利用―19世紀末から20世紀初頭にかけての写真記録から『日本とモンゴル』第55巻(141号) pp.76-101
- M. F. Matveeva (Russian Geographical Society, Russia) "Archive of the Russian Geographical Society: Photo Collections of Mongolia"
- T. I. Yusupova (Institute for the History of Science and Technology, RAS, Russia) "The Expeditions of the Russian Geographical Society to Mongolia, at the Turn of the Twentieth Century"
- D. V. Ivanov (Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography, Russia) "An Overview of the Photo Collections of the Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (the Kunstkamera), RAS"
These are preliminary reports, presented at the workshop held at the National Museum of Ethnology in Japan on November 7, 2017. Each report is developed and published in Russian and also in Mongolian in the volume of a series titled “Mongol and Mongolians” (2015, 2017, and 2019).